Sunday, April 3, 2011

Measuring the need for Bath and Bristol's 'Globe Connector'.

We need to be able to show organisations and individuals that there's a demand for this. Part of the bedrock of Bath's Two Tunnels campaign is the 650+ signatures collected in a single weekend in March 2006 - the campaign group still uses this evidence of support to counter arguments that 'No one wants the route'.

We hope that a couple of behind-the-scenes things will fall into place for this link path. When they do, we'll launch an online petition so we can show the public support for 'The Globe Connector'. Watch this space.

Update: we know there's a need and will hopefully not need to demonstrate it as there's now more consideration of building links in a network, so we might put the petition on hold unless it emerges that we do need a lever for this.

1 comment:

  1. I recently spoke to Ola Bankole at Bath Spa about this, and I feel that you could get a lot of support from the university for the project. Apparently the university has a vested interest in increasing cycle access to the university because they've got targets to meet which relate to this (that they're currently failing to meet). These targets are connected to planning permission for the expansion of the university (unless the university reaches their current targets, they won't be able to expand). The expansion of the university is vital to drawing more students to the city, which is something the council really wants. All of these issues are tangled up together: by presenting the 'globeconnector' as something that'd help the economy of Bath (in a roundabout way), I'm sure you'd get a bunch more support. If you'd like to speak to somebody at the university about this, I'd recommend contacting Ola Bankole directly at
